1. educated and experienced professionals
- This definitely a good news since there still not many qualified professionals around this day. Wait, where can I get those certification in Malaysia anyway? Not to bring down our own country, make sure if you get a trainer, he/she must be both educated and experienced professionals. I myself had seen too many self claimed trainer that...... oh well....
2. children and obesity
- Ah ha, I am a bit surprise that this one place seconds. With all those junk and fast foods around, no wonder it will make to the ranking. It seem parents play a major role to teach their kids to eat correctly, and also encourage them to perform in physical activity. Please don't let your child be a bookworm T_T
3. personal training
- well not really any comment due to the economy crisis...... Maybe those that very rich and enthusiastic will hire one.
4. strength training
- for me, you are not training if strength training is not implemented. Well, seem the general population start to notice its importance? :)
5. Core training
- core is very important as no matter whatever activity we are doing, we use our core muscle to certain degree. Normally weak core contribute to weak back, back pain and may cause injury when you perform certain vigorous activity. So, don't forget about it.
6. Special Fitness Program for older Adults
- I don't really agree with this one if that older adults still healthy. My trainer before this was 74(76 this year) yet he still able to train with the same volume with young men, just the intensity slightly lower. So there are no setback whether you are old, young and regardless gender. For me, the important part is watch the volume and intensity ;)
7. Pilates
- I don't really know what pilates is, therefore I won't make any comment until my further study.
8. Stability Ball
- Some coach swear by it, some don't. Well, if you feel this do help your performance and health, then do it. Otherwise, don't waste your time on it.
9. Sport Specific Training
- Definitely agree with this one, you can't improve your basketball skill by playing golf right? However one should not make the assumption that they can continue improve themselves by playing the sports over and over again. Remember another important aspect, sport specific conditioning.
10. Balance training
- Not really get what it mean here, however according to strength coach Charles Poliquin, adult can't be taught balance, they only regain. If an individuals didn't attain certain balance level before the age of 12, that individuals is not going to improve dramatically as adult. Well, believe the pro.
There's actually 25 more trends, however I just list out the top 10 and my review and opinion for it. Thank you for the reading :)
p.s. R&O mean review and opinion, from time to time, I will post my opinion and review on certain matter here.