Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Think that your are fit? Not before you finish reading......

For decade, people have continue to use Body Mass Index(BMI) to measure their health status, while BMI can estimate the healhty weight a person with certain height should had, in most case it can't really reflect the accurate obesity or health related status of the individual.
It had been known that many power athletes such as sprinter, boxer, weight lifter typically have a higher BMI but they still look very muscular while many sedentary look like a slab of fat (sorry if I am too harsh here) even though their BMI is within the 21-25 range. This is due to that our muscle are more dense and heavier than the fats.
Therefore, the more accurate way to measure the relative health status shall be considering the fat percentage and the waist-hip ratio.
Therefore, if you are someone that had over the BMI but carry muscle around you (with relative active lifestyle of course), don't worry, you are just fine. While for those that within the BMI range but lead a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, don't be fooled by your BMI. ;)

*Body fat percentange and waist-hip ratio will be cover in future topic.


Blogger Kores David said...

Ooi, berabis juga ko mulai dengan blog ni. Tidak sangka ko memang mulai suda berkomitmen dengan blogging bisnis. Ba...kalau saya ada blog sendiri nanti saya bagitau ko. Biar la ko baca berabisan. Hahahahaha....anyway, your blog is good. Keep on blogging my junior.

8:41 PM  

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