Sunday, December 07, 2008

Why sleep late/ sleep less will cause fat/weight gain.

First of all, sorry for my horrible grammar, I will try my best to make this article more understandable. As usual, my topic will always circle around my interest, thus this time I will tell you something about how sleeping can affect us from body weight and body percentage( I will exclude those psychological factor, if you guys are interested, just google it, it will be more easy :)
One of the reason that sleep less will cause fat gain if because of a hormone named cortisol, which also known as stress hormone. One of cortisol function is raises the free amino acids in the serum. How it does that? Well, by inhibiting protein synthesis and amino acids uptake by muscle. It also counteracts with insulin to increase gluconeogenesis, that promotes breakdown of protein =_=
People with more muscle typically have higher metabolism, which utilize more energy. When we sleep late, the cortisol had triggered our body to breakdown our muscle to get more glucose in our blood stream. If a person that have less muscle mass still consuming a same amount of calories over a period, guess what happen? Hehehe, weight/fat gain (by losing the muscle, body fat% increase)!!!
This effect wont be notice in short term and some people may even will hallucinating that they are losing weight by sleeping less, but unfortunately that's not the truth. The reason their weight had loss is due to that muscle is more dense that fat(heavier), however in long term that person will be crying when he/she notice their body fat% had been too high for their weight.
For people that sleep late, there will be another reason why you gain fat/gain weight. That is because the extra calories you consume during time of your awake.
Admit it, for those that like to stay awake till late, normally you will find something to stuff your mouth even though you are not hungry, am I right? well, that's the culprit behind your weight gain.
Following is a link about a research that explain the relation between reduced sleep and weight gain in women:

Even though this research subjects are exclusively women, well boys and man, don't take for granted. Sleep early if you still wanna maintain your manhood, err I mean muscle :p


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