Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back To School......

After a long two months holiday, school reopen and I need to continue those "......" life. Perhaps I relax too much during the holiday, I keep yawning at school today and just can't keep myself concentrated.
Oh well, the only thing I can remember for the whole day is that, I'm broke thanks to all the fees that need to paid up. :p
Perhaps tomorrow teacher will start teaching? Ahhhhh very tired right now, c ya!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry...
It's only the beginning...
The beginning of the time you wish you weren't in Form Six
Take heed...

.:: kuanthing.blogspot.com ::.

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry...
It's only the beginning...
The beginning of the time you wish you weren't in Form Six
Take heed...

.:: kuanthing.blogspot.com ::.

1:55 AM  

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