Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A bad start?

Just near the end of the first week of my holiday, I get sick! Well, this is not the first time for this year, in fact, all my holidays this year surely be accompany with sickness or injuries! Just at the Saturday morning when I am awake, I feel very thirsty and my whole body aching. I don't really know it but I've think I took about an hour to crawl down from my bed. The whole day I spend it on my bed, sleep....... About 7pm, my mum's friend took me to clinic. The medicine didn't work so fast and I end my day with vomit for about 2~3 times. I'm feeling more better at Sunday but my body still aching and I feel I am weak, very very weak. However I already can play computer game with my friend although this get me feel headache at night. One thing that suck about this Sunday, no Smallville......
Emm, pretty lazy to continue writting...... That's all for now, there will be more when my mood come......


Blogger Kelvin said...

Kia ORa (Hello) from a krazy blogger down-under in New Zealand. You couldn't of been too weak, if you can play computer games - they take a lot of skill !!! (hehe)

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice but not suitable colour scheme. Try changing the colours of the texts from your posts...

.:: kuanthing.blogspot.com ::.

12:37 PM  

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